How to hide files and folders using Command Prompt

By Md. Zahed Hossain - August 15, 2020

In every day need in order to keep secret there's need to hide files or folders in your personal computer.

Most of us know about the common method of file hiding using Windows File Explorer. Lackings on this method are that The file can be easily shown by activating the show hidden files option.

In Windows 10 you can hide any files or folder using the attrib command using Command Prompt. Using this method the file can not be seen by activating show hidden files.

Here's are the simple steps to hide files and folders using Command Prompt :

01.    Go to the directory where Files or Folder Needed to be Hidden are.

02.     On the Address bar type,       cmd  

>>>> windows command prompt will open.

03. Type the following command to hide a folder or file and press Enter:

attrib +h +s +r "Secret to Hidden"

In the command replace "Secret to Hidden" with the name of your folder or file. Quotation marks are only necessary when there are spaces in the name. For files write the file name with proper extensions.

Steps to visible again the hidden files and folders:

01.    Go to the directory where Files or Folder Needed to be Hidden are.

02.     On the Address bar type,       cmd  

>>>> windows command prompt will open.

03. Type the following command to hide a folder or file and press Enter:

attrib -h -s -r "Secret to Hidden"

In the command replace "Secret to Hidden" with the name of your folder or file. Quotation marks are only necessary when there are spaces in the name. For files write the file name with proper extensions.

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